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Docker Container

Image Usage

The preferred way to start WireGuard Portal as Docker container is to use Docker Compose.

A sample docker-compose.yml:

version: '3.6'
    image: wgportal/wg-portal:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - NET_ADMIN
    network_mode: "host"
      - "8888:8888"
      - /etc/wireguard:/etc/wireguard
      - ./data:/app/data
      - ./config:/app/config

By default, the webserver is listening on port 8888.

Volumes for /app/data and /app/config should be used ensure data persistence across container restarts.

Image Versioning

All images are hosted on Docker Hub at There are three types of tags in the repository:

Semantic versioned tags

For example, 1.0.19.

These are official releases of WireGuard Portal. They correspond to the GitHub tags that we make, and you can see the release notes for them here:

Once these tags show up in this repository, they will never change.

For production deployments of WireGuard Portal, we strongly recommend using one of these tags, e.g. wgportal/wg-portal:1.0.19, instead of the latest or canary tags.

If you only want to stay at the same major or major+minor version, use either v[MAJOR] or [MAJOR].[MINOR] tags. For example v1 or 1.0.

Version 1 is currently stable, version 2 is in development.


This is the most recent build to master! It changes a lot and is very unstable.

We recommend that you don't use it except for development purposes.

Branch tags

For each commit in the master and the stable branch, a corresponding Docker image is build. These images use the master or stable tags.


You can configure WireGuard Portal using a yaml configuration file. The filepath of the yaml configuration file defaults to /app/config/config.yml. It is possible to override the configuration filepath using the environment variable WG_PORTAL_CONFIG.

By default, WireGuard Portal uses a SQLite database. The database is stored in /app/data/sqlite.db.

You should mount those directories as a volume: - /app/data - /app/config

A detailed description of the configuration options can be found here.